Bengaluru FC pleasantly surprises a hardcore fan from Spain


When he joined the biggest Indian Football Forum and introduced himself  as a hard core Indian football fan of Spanish nationality, some of us thought he was kidding. Seriously, just the idea that someone from the land of football World Champions would be waking up nights to watch Indian football matches online sounded unbelievable.

But here is Dan Jasnowski from Spain whose interest in Indian football, Subrata Pal and Bengaluru FC is unmatched and rivals the top notch die-hard Indian football fan.

When many of us find it unbearable to watch the Indian football league at the convenience of our drawing room boring, this 21 year old Spaniard keeps awake till early morning to be able to watch a poor quality streaming of the matches.

When he inquired about an Indian football jersey, the members of Indian football Forum suggested that he should approach Bengaluru FC who entertain and indulge their fans in the most incredible fashion.

What happened after he called the Bengaluru FC officials to chat over phone was remarkable and Dan has obviously been thrilled about it. This is what he wrote about his amazing experience with Sunil Chhetri and Bengaluru FC:

So appearantly BFC accepted some calls and I was bored and I was wondering what I would expect..Lo and behold … I decided to call using Skype (gotta use that left-over credit..) and I called. There was confusion. His English wasn’t good. I didn’t know what to do. I said goodbye.


I called again.  They asked me where I was from in India and I told them Spain. He seemed taken back before but then say “Yeah, you’re that Spaniard guy.” Now.. I messaged BFC on Facebook after a win saying good job. Being supportive, etc. Appearantly, they passed word in the office that some “Spaniard likes BFC.” so that what I was known as.

So the guy asked where I live at and I said USA. Then we talked about Indian football and how Subrata Pal’s Danish adventure is doing for Indian football and whatnot and how BFC has one of the best websites in the I-League (they really do…) and they got a online shop coming in a few months.
Anyway, the guy then asks me some of my favorite BFC players and I say since I’m a goalkeeping man, I like Pawan but my fav has got to be India’s Sunil Chhetri.
Then he goes like “You wanna talk to Sunil himself?” I go like “Are you serious?” and he’s like “Yeah man, here you go.” 
“Hello?” And I proceed to freak out saying like “Oh my god, is this really happening? It’s Sunil! India’s striker, etc.” Basically having a fanboy attack. I finally calm myself down, explain who I am and I watch his games (and India’s) at a terrible hour and all this meanwhile Sunil’s saying thank you and being a REAL nice guy. I’m wishing him luck in games and wishing Bengaluru to stay atop and all that. I finally say to myself… Don’t wanna annoy Sunil with such a long call!! So after about a minute of me mostly saying things and him sayig thanks.. I go like “well, I better leave you since you are an important man with things to do! Take care”
And that was the day I personally talked with Sunil Chhetri. Happened at 5:30 AM, USA Eastern Standard Time. One I will never forget.
Woo………. oh, they also said to message them so they can send me a BFC jersey early.
CLIKC HERE to read his full comment and the reactions that followed on India’s biggest online football forum


  1. i love sunil and i am gonna surpass him 🙂 . i will be the all time best striker in india's history . u gotta wait i am 15 now and i am not kidding . i am really gonna do this . 🙂

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